Finding the World's Best Governments in a World Championship of Governments
About BestGov
Beam me to the Reception
BestGov Decision Support - The Entrance

Welcome to the BestGov floor for decision and policy makers. If you are a decision or policy maker and hope for support by the information provided by BestGov and the many citizens who contributed to this effort, then this floor may be the most important one for you in this building. BestGov's vision is focused on informing your decisions through a comparative assessment of the world's governments, an assessment that is based on the peoples' experience with their governments. If you cannot find what you need here, then you will be able to formulate a requests and we will make an attempt to connect the necessary resources with you as the decision or policy maker.

Unfortunately, this floor is currently closed. We are working on opening this floor and hope that we soon will be able to support your decision or policy making with valuable information of how the world's people assess their governments.

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How do you rate the European governments' respond to the volcano eruption? Submit your rating here

© 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Best Governments. In case of problems, mail to Last edited 02 December 2016.